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Connie Frances Weeks Marstiller age 63 of Mannington WV passed away Tuesday August 15 2023 at WVU Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown. She was born May 2 1960 in Springfield OH a daughter of the late Richard Weeks and Constance Belle Bowman Weeks. She is survived by three siblings David and Dorothy...
Connie Frances Weeks Marstiller age 63 of Mannington WV passed away Tuesday August 15 2023 at WVU Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown. She was born May 2 1960 in Springfield OH a daughter of the late Richard Weeks and Constance Belle Bowman Weeks. She is survived by three siblings David and Dorothy...
Willis Eugene Anderson of Mannington WV passed away at his home on November 12 2022 He was born November 3 1943 He was married to his wife Patty Michael Anderson for 56 years He was the son of Columbus Lum Anderson and Mabel Harker Anderson Willis graduated from Mannington High School in 1963 He ser...